Benchmark Analysis

Optimize your market research
and win your next tenders

Thanks to Benchmark Analysis, public procurement no longer has any secrets: a very powerful search engine will help you drill down into the ANAC database of all the contracts awarded by the public administration from 2015 to the present day, giving you a few moments a complete picture of what the public authorities and participating companies are buying, from whom and at what price.

With this ace in the hole, your bids will always be one step ahead of the competition.

The Benchmark Analysis service is included in the UNLIMITED subscription plan or can be activated through bi-annual and annual flat packages.

Perform public market business intelligence in just a few clicks

Access the fastest, most comprehensive database on the market

Search over 26 million government contracts awarded from 2015 to date, extracted from ANAC XMLs.

Customize your search

Refine your search by contracting authority, contractor, amount, and deadline – you’ll get the answer you’re looking for instantly.

Delve into the dynamics of public sector purchasing

Make your bids more competitive by analyzing public sector needs in your relevant product category.

Monitor expiring contracts

Monitor expiring contracts to create a plan of action, update your registration before expiration, and bid in step with the competition.

benchmark analysis italian tenders

Grow your business with the public sector

Discover the true size of your competitive landscape

Get an accurate picture of your target market: estimate total industry value and average contract value, and monitor top players and potential competitors.

Multiply your chances of winning contracts

With insight into the competition, award amounts, and contracting authorities, you’ll have a solid base of information from which to prepare winning proposals.

Keep an eye on the competition

Monitor your competitors’ participation in RFxs, RFPs, contracts, and award amounts to define your company’s strategic positioning.

Identify trends to focus on

Anticipate contracting trends early and capitalize on new opportunities before anyone else.

The right tool to boost your growth

Learn how Benchmark Analysis can revolutionize your business with the Unlimited subscription